Producing this collection of laser cut sculpture was my first experience in producing 3 dimensional work. Having access to a laser cutter facility was not only key to producing the work, but also to its ideation.
I intended to explore the boundaries and precision of the Laser Cutter, a 75 watt Epilog 36EXT. I’d grown exhausted of seeing 2 dimensional work and was inspired by 3d puzzles and slot-fitted artwork. I started slowly, creating references for myself, with early prototypes being basic geometries such as Spheres and Cubes. Moving forward to exploring the boundaries of creating 3 dimentional work with 2D tools; I explored more complicated structures, tables, standing arcs, toruses, and a 3 dimensional heart.
To maintain it as an experimentation of building complex 3D structures using 2D tools; All work was designed and fabricated without 3D software, and produced strictly with Adobe Illustrator.